Nakit će sa sigurnošću baš poput pravog iskrenog prijatelja sačuvati sve vaše tajne
Gdje bolje sačuvati uspomene nego u nakitu.
Ta divna "mala" umjetnička djela, od davnina brižno čuvaju divne trenutke od zaborava.
Budi posebna, budi svoja, budi unikat
Budi posebna, budi svoja, budi unikat.
Biti jedinstvena znači prepoznati svoj talent, svoju misiju i svoje savršenstvo.
Zato budi ono što jesi.
Svaka osoba je jedinstveno i posebno biće.
Nikada zbog svoje nesigurnost ne zaželi biti netko drugi.
Izrađeni od čelika, optočeni 24kt pozlatom, podesive veličine, jedinstveni UNIK_AT prsteni priuštiti ća vam nezaboravne šetnje.
Voliš neobične modele, one koje ne viđaš na svakom.
Ovaj model je idealan za tebe.
Nakit je neophodan detalj svakoj modnoj kombinaciji.
Narukvice za svaki dan
Sam pogled na ovog ljepotana, vraća nas u neka davna vremena.
Nakit je kroz povijest bio mnogo više od pukog ukrasa.
Njegova važnost prelazi granice estetike, dotičući pitanja identiteta, statusa i duhovnosti.
Od davnih vremena, ljudi su koristili nakit kako bi izrazili svoj društveni položaj, osobne vrijednosti i pripadnost određenim zajednicama.
Nošen je kao simbol moći, zaštite, ljubavi, pa čak i protesta. Danas, kao i nekada, nakit priča priče o onima koji ga nose.
Ljubiteljice CAMEO nakita možemo svrstati u rave romantičarke, zar ne!?
Čuvar prošlosti
Ljepota Dalmacije ispričana u prstenu.
Did you know that Croatia is the homeland of the necktie?
"...around 1635, about six thousand soldiers and knights arrived in Paris to support the French king Louis XIII. Among them were a large number of Croatian mercenaries who, led by the ban, remained in the service of the French king. The traditional uniform attracted was the focus of the French court with tied, painted headscarves, from the coarse ones worn by common soldiers to the fine cotton ones worn by officers. unknown in Europe at the time, it was accepted at the French court around 1650 and became a fashionable item of clothing for the bourgeoisie of the time as a symbol of culture and elegance, these scarves were also much more practical than the rigid lace collars worn by French soldiers and officers. He brought the tie to England after returning from exile, and it soon conquered all of Europe..."
In our offer, find beautiful jewelry made of surgical steel.
Why choose jewelry made of surgical steel!?
Because it does not cause allergies, does not wear out and does not darken.
How to maintain steel jewelry?
Maintenance of steel jewelry is very simple, and with proper care it can remain in excellent condition for many years.
Here are some maintenance tips.
Clean it regularly to keep it looking shiny and new.
You can do this by simply wiping with a soft cloth dampened with water or mild soap.
Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that could damage the metal surface.
Store it properly
- when you are not wearing jewelry, it is important to store it properly to prevent scratches or other damage.
You can store it in a soft jewelry case or padded box to protect it from dust and scratches.
Polish it occasionally
- if your jewelry becomes dull or loses its shine over time, you can polish it with a soft cloth, which will eventually restore its shine.